Settling In

After a whirlwind week in Buenos Aires filled with meeting new people, adapting to being in a new country surrounded by a different language, and days filled with fun activities, I finally left Buenos Aires to go to my province. It was a stark difference to leave a bustling city and arrive in a quieter, smaller city on the opposite side of the country. This will be my home for the next 8 months, and I have been coming to terms that this will be my daily life. The first week in Buenos Aires very much felt like a vacation, but separating from the group of Fulbrighters made me realize that reality was settling in. While I was very excited to begin working at the university and to begin getting into a routine, there were feelings of anxiety at the idea of being on my own and navigating my new life and new home. I have spent the past three weeks settling in to my schedule of classes, daily life, and navigating my way through the city. I feel extremely lucky to have such kind and welcoming students and professors to help me through this new environment. They are all extremely excited and proud to teach me about their city and culture. It is an odd feeling to feel like the odd one out at all times here. I have had many moments of discomfort here, moments where there is a lapse in communication or understanding and cultural shocks and differences. I have had to get used to feeling okay with not always knowing what is going on, and taking awkward moments in stride. In moments of frustration, I have to remind myself to be patient with myself.

I am reminding myself to view the struggles of living abroad and adapting to new cultures and languages as a way to challenge myself to overcome those moments of discomfort and frustration. I feel extremely lucky to be in this situation, to work with amazing students each day, and to push myself in a way that I never have before. Since my arrival, I have met so many amazing people that have taught me so much and been able to exchange cultures, languages, and laughs with. Being able to live amongst such beautiful mountains and natural scenery is something I hope I never get used to. Living in an extremely different environment than I was used to in the United States never ceases to amaze me, especially when I am surrounded by large mountains and cacti.

Teaching English to my students has been an extremely rewarding feeling so far and I love being able to share my own language and culture with my students. There is a beautiful interchange of language and culture happening here between my students and I. I finally feel accustomed and settled into my new city, and I am excited to begin traveling around the province and other areas of Argentina in the coming months.

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I’m Olivia

Join me as I write and reflect on my Fulbright Grant in Argentina!

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