
This past weekend, I took another weekend trip over to the capital city Córdoba. Only a 5 hour bus ride for me, it was great to visit a new place and see other Fulbright friends. I absolutely fell in love with Córdoba this weekend. Since it is a more “metropolitan” city with a large university student population, there were so many options of things to do and see. I arrived around dinner time Friday evening (which is 9pm here in Argentina) and went to a Mexican style restaurant and to check out the local bar scene around the city. Saturday morning started with eating these delicious focaccia sandwiches, which have now inspired me to be making focaccia at this moment. Saturday was also free museum day, so we visited the Museo Emilio Caraffa, which is an art museum with an eclectic collection. We also checked out the artesanal market that happens every weekend. I was amazed at how many vendors were there to sell their goods. Located along the canal, it was a beautiful way to spend the rest of our afternoon. For dinner, we headed to a Mediterranean restaurant, which satisfied my cravings since the Lebanese Food Festival was happening that same weekend at home. We finished the night by seeing some local acoustic music. Even though I live in a capital city, it is much smaller in comparison to placed like Mendoza and Córdoba. I was amazed at the sheer amount of options that exist in this city.

On Sunday before I headed back home, we got breakfast at a restaurant that prides itself on its American style brunch. It definitely got our approval, with the lox bagels and iced coffees, which may or may not have only been up to par because we have all been more accustomed to eating Argentine food for the past 2 months. Lastly, we headed to Sarmiento Park to see the city view and check out the local sculptures. Córdoba is a city full of life, with beautiful architecture, culture, and food. I will most definitely be heading there again in the future.

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I’m Olivia

Join me as I write and reflect on my Fulbright Grant in Argentina!

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